Ambition to become a top 3 IT employer in the Netherlands
The Dutch Tax Administration strives to be among the top 3 employers in the Netherlands within the field of IT. Within the Dutch Tax Administration, the ‘Informatievoorzieningen’ Directorate focuses on managing all applications for the Ministry of Finance. To ensure that it achieves that top 3 position, the Tax Administration is continuously working on developing its own people.
Staff development at the Dutch Tax Administration has always been an important topic. Rapid developments in the IT field demand more and more from the soft skills of staff. This created a need for training that also focuses on personal development. Many training programs for IT professionals stick to theory with little practical experience. In its search for a program that included both technological and personal development, the Dutch Tax Administration came across the Accelerate program.

Accelerate focuses on both personal and technological development
Accelerate’s unique program of both technological and personal training and development is what convinced the Dutch Tax Administration to join.
The Dutch Tax Administration agrees that, unlike other training programs, Accelerate provides a unique level of engagement by assigning coaches from the participant’s own company. These coaches are trained as part of the Accelerate journey to guide the participants, hold up a mirror to them and cheer them on. The participant embarks on the journey together with their coach. This bridges different generations that are present in the company.
Cooperation with other companies in the region is also highly appreciated. Different companies provide different perspectives about IT technology, through knowledge from other sectors. That partnership creates a network between all participants, coaches and the steering committee members of the Accelerate program.
Accelerate is a personal growth program, for both technological and personal skills. Personal growth is something you do yourself, but with Accelerate, we go faster and do it together. That atmosphere of positivity and growth flows forward and you can build on that.
More self-confidence because of growth perspective
The Dutch Tax Administration noticed that during the Accelerate program, participants gain a lot of self-confidence by being offered growth perspective. They show more self-confidence and take an active attitude in the workplace.
The atmosphere of commitment to positivity and growth is particularly appreciated. The personal growth the participants are experiencing is going to linger for a long time because they have grown as human beings.
According to the Dutch Tax Administration, these types of programs are necessary to properly fulfill their role as an attractive employer and work toward a future-proof organization that employs professionals who feel challenged. It offers important developments for the younger as well as older generations of employees. Not just the participants, but also the coaches go through a personal development phase during the Accelerate program and grow in their own way. The added value is seen at all levels, not just the participants.
Want to learn more about the Accelerate program?
Feel free to contact us.